Disclosed Eyes

Disclosed Eyes is an interactive installation that explores a speculative future where the current potential of facial recognition algorithms is taken to the utmost.

It’s based on the innate obscurity of these mechanisms and seeks to reflect on the impact they may have on the individuals’ privacy. Ultimately, the goal is to raise public awareness on how we expose our data.

Along with the installation, there is also a video that aims to depict the same experience the player faces.
Entrance corridor
Main room
Game room
Exit corridor

Installation map
(hover with mouse to read)

Installation map
(tap to read)

The access corridor features LED lights on the side walls and black curtains to isolate both light and sound.

Six benches face the main projection, with the remaining walls displaying other footage from the live game.

The player is in a separate area of the room. A pair of speakers broadcast both the amplified sound from the previous room, as well as the sound produced by those watching on livestream.

Upon exiting the installation, the player realizes that he wasn’t being observed exclusively in the installation, but also through the livestream.

This livestream holds great importance since it deepens the scrutiny and obscurity of the experience, considering that, in addition to the installation itself, the players’ decisions were also being judged online without their consent.

In order to demonstrate the impact that these algorithms can have in the near-future, the game reflects a dystopian environment where the society is constantly divided by ranks and scores.

The player’s actions in the game have a direct influence on their score, and can either increase it or lower it, depending on the positive or negative connotation associated with each action.
