/ about

Sofia Taipa is multidisciplinary artist and eclectic maker based in London with a dual background in arts and computer science. She probes the phenomenology of sound, light and the body as tangible entities, while making use of computational tools to craft process-oriented experiences. Her practice-based research currently encompasses the concepts of collective identity, individuation and perception.

/ exhibitions


AGORA: a place of gathering | Arthub Studios, London | UK

Dissection | Hypha Studios, Stratford | UK


Digital Design Weekend | Victoria & Albert Museum | UK

MA/MFA Computational Arts Degree Show | Goldsmiths University of London | UK


Mung Pop-up Exhibition | Goldsmiths University of London | UK

/ other


[Teacher Assistant] MFA Computational Arts | Goldsmiths University

[Instructor] Experimental Creative Coding | Online Course | Cyber Patio

/ education

2022 – 2024

Master in Fine-Arts (MFA) | Goldsmiths University of London | UK

2018 – 2022

Independent Curricular Units in Informatics and Multimedia Engineering (BSc) | Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa | PT

2017 – 2020

Bachelor (BA) in Multimedia Art [Major] | Interaction Design [Minor] | Faculdade de Belas-Artes de Lisboa | PT

/ awards and publications


MFA Computational Arts Scholarship | Goldsmiths University of London | UK


[Paper Publication] Disclosed eyes: An Interactive Installation on the Impact of Hypervigilance | UXUC Journal


Academic Excellence Award | Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa | PT


Finalist | X National Competition (The Enterprise Challenge), Junior Achievement | PT